Massage is probably a therapy that is no longer unfamiliar to many people. This is a method of using hands, feet or mechanical devices to stretch, move or vibrate human muscles and bones. Movements commonly used in massage such as: rubbing, pressing, kneading, pressing, punching,…
So why should pregnant women massage?
-During pregnancy, pregnant mothers often gain weight rapidly, which will greatly affect the spine. Causes pain and numbness, compresses the nerves along the spine, causing pain in the limbs. Therefore, massage can help mothers reduce pain and fatigue as much as possible
– During pregnancy, mothers are most stressed and tense. Partly because of worrying about many things, partly due to natural characteristics. So it is understandable that mothers are often frowning and difficult. So dads, please take note, you should take your wife for a pregnancy massage to reduce stress.
– Pregnant women’s massage will help mothers circulate blood and relax their muscles, improving muscle firmness. This helps pregnant mothers give birth easily and without the need for a painful cesarean section later. Help mothers have healthy children.
– There are many pregnant mothers who are no longer confident about their beauty after giving birth. Because the pain of mothers is sagging skin, ugly wrinkles, and many red rashes. However, if massaged regularly, it will help pregnant mothers tighten their skin, make it healthy, and from there the skin also becomes more beautiful.
However, not every regular massage will achieve the above results. Mothers should look for good spas with many years of experience. To make massage the safest and most effective!